Empowering Your Ideal Future

It’s tough making business decisions in lockdown. Things change quickly, and even the risk of change makes business precarious.

One thing that really helps is having access to real time information about your business. Instead of going through shoe boxes of old financial records, you can now get accurate information at your fingertips through the technology that Schurr & Ireland provides.

“What we can do in terms of financial analysis now is pretty incredible,” says director Floyd Wicksteed. “You can see where you’ve been, and more importantly where you’re going, really quickly.

“That’s important in this whole Covid world, where people want to know things like their position and cash flow. We could be in lockdown tomorrow – you just don’t know – so what does that mean?”

With Schurr & Ireland’s user-friendly software stack, business owners can get real time information at their fingertips to make decisions easily. Clients are empowered to use it themselves, or they can get as much help as they need from the Schurr & Ireland team.

That means no more having to reluctantly work on the books after hours, and it can also be a leg up when you take a proposal to the bank.

“If you’ve taken the time to do some forecasting, you’ve already won half the battle. Banks see you’re engaged and organised, and that makes a real difference,” Wicksteed says.

Creating accurate forecasts at home is now really easy. You can quickly generate scenarios electronically, share them with the bank and run a proposal without having to meet anyone in person if you don’t want to. That’s handy, although Wicksteed quite likes meeting up with clients.

“There’s so much value in catching up face to face, for us and for clients. We encourage our staff to captain their own ship, so there’s a lot of flexibility to visit clients all around Mount Taranaki if that’s what clients want.”

Wicksteed and his co-directors Scott Ireland and Ken Vazey split their time between their Eltham and New Plymouth offices, in between visiting clients on farms, in workshops, on sites or in offices.

“We’re always out on the road – a lot of people are quite surprised by that.

“On any given day, at least one of us is in Eltham. I’m visiting two farms tomorrow myself. We’ve been in Eltham for nearly 40 years now, and yes, we have a New Plymouth office, but we value and enjoy being part of the community.”

Read the article in the Spring Live Magazine below:

Live Magazine Spring 2021 – Schurr & Ireland
